Source code for apav.analysis.background

This file is part of APAV.

APAV is a python package for performing analysis and visualization on
atom probe tomography data sets.

Copyright (C) 2018 Jesse Smith

APAV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

APAV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with APAV.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Union, Type, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from numbers import Real, Number
from lmfit import Model

from copy import deepcopy

from apav.utils import validate
from apav.core.range import Range
from apav.utils.helpers import intervals_intersect
from apav.analysis import models
import apav.utils.constants

import numpy as n
from numpy import ndarray
from lmfit.minimizer import MinimizerResult
from lmfit.models import PowerLawModel

settings = {"method": "least_squares", "nan_policy": "raise", "xtol": 1e-7, "ftol": 1e-7}

[docs]class Background: """ Defines a background model through a specified range of a mass spectrum. """ def __init__( self, fit_interval: Union[Tuple[Number, Number], Sequence[Tuple[Number, Number]]], include_interval: Union[Tuple[Number, Number], Sequence[Tuple[Number, Number]]] = (), model: Type[Model] = models.PowerLawShiftModel(), ): """ A background is fit on the provided fit_interval(s). Intervals provided to `include_interval` define ranges where mass spectrum ranges will use the background model for background subtraction. For example: >>> bkg = Background((10, 12), (13, 20), models.PowerLawShiftModel()) Fits a shifted power law on the interval from 10 -> 12 Da. The background will be subtracted and applied to any mass ranges that begin in the interval from 13 -> 20 Da. >>> bkg = Background([(10, 12), (15, 16)], [(13, 20), (22, 24)], models.PowerLawShiftModel()) Will fit the same power law model on 2 intervals from 10 -> 12 and 15 -> 16 Da. This background will be subtracted and applied to any mass ranges that begin in either of the intervals 13 ->20 Da or 22 -> 24 Da. This allows simple control over which background applies to which mass ranges, without being too explicit. :param fit_interval: single or multiple intervals on the x to fit the background model :param include_interval: mass ranges to apply the background subtraction to :param model: the background model to be used """ if not isinstance(model, Model): raise TypeError(f"Background model must be an lmfit Model, not {type(model)}.") self.model = model self._include_intervals = [] self._fit_intervals = [] self._area = None assert len(fit_interval) > 0, "Background must be initialized with valid fit range" if hasattr(fit_interval[0], "__iter__"): for i in fit_interval: validate.positive_interval(i) self.add_fit_interval(i) else: self.add_fit_interval(validate.positive_interval(fit_interval)) if len(include_interval) > 0: if hasattr(include_interval[0], "__iter__"): for intv in include_interval: validate.positive_interval(intv) self.add_include_interval(intv) else: self.add_include_interval(validate.positive_interval(include_interval)) self._fit_results = None @property def fit_intervals(self) -> List[Tuple[Number, Number]]: """ Get the fit intervals assigned to this background """ return self._fit_intervals @property def lower(self) -> Number: """ Get the lower value of the fit interval """ return min(i[0] for i in self.fit_intervals) @property def upper(self) -> Number: """ Get the upper value of the fit interval """ return max(i[1] for i in self.fit_intervals) @property def area(self) -> Number: """ Get the area of the fit """ assert self._area is not None, "Background that has not been fit has no area" return self._area @property def fit_results(self) -> MinimizerResult: """ Get the fit results of the background """ return self._fit_results
[docs] def eval(self, x: ndarray) -> ndarray: """ Compute the background curve on the given interval x :return: the background estimate on the given range """ assert self.fit_results is not None, "Background must be fit before it can be evaluated." return self.fit_results.eval(x=x)
[docs] def contains_mass(self, value) -> bool: """ Determine if this background contains the mass/charge ratio in any include range interval [min-max) """ for imin, imax in self._include_intervals: if imin <= value < imax: return True return False
[docs] def contains_range(self, rng: Range) -> bool: """ Determine if a Range falls within this Background's include range :param rng: Range instance """ return self.contains_mass(rng.lower)
@property def include_intervals(self) -> List[Tuple[Number, Number]]: """ Get the list of intervals that assign ranges (:class:`Range`) to the background """ return self._include_intervals
[docs] def fit(self, spec_x: ndarray, spec_y: ndarray): """ Fit the background to the spectrum (spec_x, spec_y) :param spec_x: array of x axis :param spec_y: array of y axis """ x = n.array([]) y = n.array([]) for i in self.fit_intervals: idx = n.argwhere((i[0] <= spec_x) & (i[1] > spec_x)).ravel() x = n.concatenate((x, spec_x[idx])) y = n.concatenate((y, spec_y[idx])) params = self.model.guess(y, x=x) try: self._fit_results = y, params=params, x=x, method=settings["method"], nan_policy=settings["nan_policy"], fit_kws={"xtol": settings["xtol"], "ftol": settings["ftol"]}, ) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError( f"Fit failed on background with fit interval(s) {self.fit_intervals}, with error:\n\t{e}" ) self._area = n.sum(self.fit_results.best_fit)
[docs] def add_fit_interval(self, minmax: Tuple[Number, Number]): """ Add fit interval to the background :param minmax: the new fit interval """ validate.positive_interval(minmax) if any(intervals_intersect(minmax, i) for i in self.fit_intervals): raise validate.IntervalIntersectionError(f"Cannot have intersecting fit ranges ({minmax[0]}-{minmax[1]})") self._fit_intervals.append(minmax)
[docs] def add_include_interval(self, minmax: Tuple[float, float]): """ Add a specified interval through which any containing mass ranges will be matched. This will occur if the lower bound of a given mass range is contained within rng. Overlapping ranges are allowed. """ validate.positive_interval(minmax) self._include_intervals.append(minmax)
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear the current background fit and data """ # self.fit_coef = None # self.fit_curve = None self._fit_results = None self._area = None
[docs]class BackgroundCollection: """ Handles operate on a collection of Backgrounds """ def __init__(self, backgrounds: Sequence[Background] = ()): """ This class is used to contain all backgrounds that operate on a spectrum/ROI. >>> bkgs = BackgroundCollection() >>> bkg1 = Background((10, 12), (13, 14)) >>> bkgs.add(bkg1) or >>> bkgs = BackgroundCollection() >>> bkgs.add(Background((10, 12), (13, 14)), models.ExponentialModel) >>> bkgs.add(Background((48, 52), (60, 65)), models.PowerLawShiftModel) This will fit the first background model on the interval 10 -> 12 Da and apply to mass ranges begining from 13 -> 14 Da using an exponential decay model. The second background is fit from 48 -> 52 Da and is applied to mass ranges beginning between 60 -> 65 Da, using a Power Law model. """ self._bkgs = [] self.__index = 0 for bkg in backgrounds: self.add(bkg) def __iter__(self): self.__index = 0 return self def __next__(self): if len(self.backgrounds) == 0 or self.__index == len(self.backgrounds): raise StopIteration else: self.__index += 1 return self.backgrounds[self.__index - 1] def __len__(self): return len(self.backgrounds) def __str__(self): bkgs = self.sorted() retn = "Background collection\n" retn += f"Number of backgrounds: {len(self)}\n" for i, bkg in enumerate(bkgs): retn += f"Background {i+1}:\n" retn += f"\t{}\n" retn += f"\tFit interval: {bkg.lower}-{bkg.upper} Da\n" for j, incl_rng in enumerate(bkg.include_intervals): retn += f"\tInclude mass range {j+1}: {incl_rng[0]}-{incl_rng[1]} Da\n" if bkg.fit_results is not None: retn += f"\tRed chi^2: {bkg.fit_results.redchi}\n" return retn def __getitem__(self, item: int) -> Background: return self._bkgs[item] @property def backgrounds(self) -> List[Background]: """ Get a list of backgrounds (:class:`Background`) in the collection :return: """ return self._bkgs
[docs] def sort(self): """ Sort the BackgroundCollection in-place """ self._bkgs = sorted(self._bkgs, key=lambda x: x.lower)
[docs] def sorted(self) -> "BackgroundCollection": """ Get a sorted copy of the BackgroundCollection """ retn = deepcopy(self) retn.sort() return retn
[docs] def add(self, newbkg: Background) -> Background: """ Add a new :class:`Background` to the collection :param newbkg: the new background """ if not isinstance(newbkg, Background): raise TypeError("Expected a Background object, not {}".format(type(newbkg))) for bkg in self._bkgs: if _background_includes_overlap(newbkg, bkg): raise RuntimeError(f"Cannot have overlapping include ranges between backgrounds.") self._bkgs.append(newbkg) return newbkg
[docs] @classmethod def from_bkg(cls, fpath: str): """ Load background information from file (see BackgroundCollection.export) """ validate.file_exists(fpath) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def export(self, fpath: str): """ Save background information to file for reuse """ validate.file_exists(fpath) raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def find_background(self, rng: Range): """ Find a background whos included mass ranges intersects a Range's mass range. If no background is found return None """ for bkg in self._bkgs: if bkg.contains_mass(rng.lower): return bkg return None
[docs] def reset(self): """ Clear the calculated data for each background """ for bkg in self._bkgs: bkg.reset()
[docs] def fit(self, spec_x: ndarray, spec_y: ndarray): """ Do the calculation of each background with respect the provided mass spectrum :param spec_x: array of x axis :param spec_y: array of y axis """ self.reset() for bkg in self.backgrounds:, spec_y)
def _background_includes_overlap(bkg1: Background, bkg2: Background) -> bool: """ Determine if two backgrounds' included ranges overlap """ for rng1 in bkg1.include_intervals: for rng2 in bkg2.include_intervals: if intervals_intersect(rng1, rng2) is True: return True return False