Source code for apav.analysis.spatial

This file is part of APAV.

APAV is a python package for performing analysis and visualization on
atom probe tomography data sets.

Copyright (C) 2018 Jesse Smith

APAV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

APAV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with APAV.  If not, see <>.

from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Union, Type, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from numbers import Real, Number
from numpy import ndarray

from apav.analysis.base import AnalysisBase
from apav.utils import validate
from apav import Roi, RangeCollection, Ion
from apav.core.histogram import histogram2d_binwidth
from apav.core.multipleevent import get_mass_indices
from apav.core.isotopic import Element
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
import numpy as n
import multiprocessing as mp

from apav.analysis.grid_transfer import transfer as _transfer

[docs]def ion_transfer(X: n.ndarray, Y: n.ndarray, Z: n.ndarray, pos: n.ndarray, stddev3: Number) -> ndarray: """ Transfer an array of ion positions to a binned grid. :param X: 3D array of x-coordinates of grid :param Y: 3D array of y-coordinates of grid :param Y: 3D array of z-coordinates of grid :param pos: 2D array of positions :param stddev3: 3sigma standard deviation of gaussian distribution :return: 3D array of counts """ if len(pos.shape) != 2: raise ValueError("Positions must be a 2D array") if pos.size == 0: raise ValueError("At least one ion position must be provided") if any(len(i.shape) != 3 for i in [X, Y, Z]): raise ValueError("All grid coordinate arrays must be three-dimensional") validate.positive_number(stddev3) if n.isclose(stddev3, 0): binx = X[1, 0, 0] - X[0, 0, 0] biny = Y[0, 1, 0] - Y[0, 0, 0] binz = Z[0, 0, 1] - Z[0, 0, 0] x_edge = n.concatenate([X[:, 0, 0] - binx / 2, [X[-1, 0, 0] + binx / 2]]) y_edge = n.concatenate([Y[0, :, 0] - biny / 2, [Y[0, -1, 0] + biny / 2]]) z_edge = n.concatenate([Z[0, 0, :] - binz / 2, [Z[0, 0, -1] + binz / 2]]) counts, _ = n.histogramdd(pos, bins=(x_edge, y_edge, z_edge)) return counts else: return _transfer( X.astype(n.double), Y.astype(n.double), Z.astype(n.double), pos.astype(n.double), float(stddev3) )
[docs]def make_coordinate_grids( extents: Sequence[Tuple[Number, Number]], bin_width: Union[Sequence[Number], Number], edges=False ) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """ Generate 3D x/y/z coordinate arrays for indexing into compositional grids :param extents: The x/y/z extent to generate the grids for :param bin_width: The bin width of each bin, a single number or sequence of numbers for each dimension :param edges: Whether the coordinates represent the edges of the bins or centers """ assert len(extents) == 3 for i in extents: validate.interval(i) assert all(len(i) == 2 for i in extents) if hasattr(bin_width, "__iter__"): assert len(bin_width) == 3 if isinstance(bin_width, (float, int)): bin_width = [ bin_width, ] * 3 bin_width = [float(i) for i in bin_width] validate.all_positive_nonzero(bin_width) ext_x, ext_y, ext_z = extents dx = n.abs(n.diff(ext_x)[0]) dy = n.abs(n.diff(ext_y)[0]) dz = n.abs(n.diff(ext_z)[0]) nx = int(n.ceil(dx / bin_width[0])) ny = int(n.ceil(dy / bin_width[1])) nz = int(n.ceil(dz / bin_width[2])) x = n.array([ext_x[0] + i * bin_width[0] for i in range(nx)]) y = n.array([ext_y[0] + i * bin_width[1] for i in range(ny)]) z = n.array([ext_z[0] + i * bin_width[2] for i in range(nz)]) if x[-1] % 1 == 0: x = n.concatenate([x, x[-1] + [bin_width[0]]]) y = n.concatenate([y, y[-1] + [bin_width[1]]]) z = n.concatenate([z, z[-1] + [bin_width[2]]]) if edges is True: x -= bin_width[0] / 2 y -= bin_width[1] / 2 z -= bin_width[2] / 2 x = n.concatenate([x, [x[-1] + bin_width[0]]]) y = n.concatenate([y, [y[-1] + bin_width[1]]]) z = n.concatenate([z, [z[-1] + bin_width[2]]]) return n.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing="ij")
[docs]class RangedGrid(AnalysisBase): """ Compute the ionic and elemental composition spatially distributed among a structured grid """ def __init__( self, roi: Roi, ranges: RangeCollection, bin_width: Number = 1, first_pass: bool = True, delocalization: Union[Number, Sequence[Number]] = n.array([3, 3, 1.5]), gauss_trunc: Number = 4, ): """ :param roi: Parent the RangedGrid is competed on :param ranges: RangeCollection defining the ranges :param bin_width: symmetric bin width size :param first_pass: Whether the first pass delocalization is computed using a gaussian transfer function. :param delocalization: The delocalization distances (as 3 standard deviations of a normal distribution) :param gauss_trunc: Number of standard deviations to truncate the gaussian kernel for second pass delocalization """ super().__init__(roi) self._ranges = validate.is_type(ranges, RangeCollection) self._voxel = float(validate.positive_nonzero_number(bin_width)) if isinstance(delocalization, Real): self._delocalization = n.array([delocalization]) else: self._delocalization = n.array(delocalization) if len(self._delocalization.shape) == 1 and self._delocalization.shape[0] == 1: self._delocalization = n.ones(3) * self._delocalization[0] if not all(i > 0 for i in self._delocalization): raise ValueError("Delocalization distances must be positive and non-zero") if self._delocalization.shape[0] != 3: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected delocalization shape, expected 3 got {self._delocalization.shape[0]}") self._gauss_trunc = validate.positive_nonzero_number(gauss_trunc) self._X = ndarray([]) self._Y = ndarray([]) self._Z = ndarray([]) self._ion_counts = {} self._elem_counts_array = ndarray([]) self._elem_frac = {} self._elem_counts = {} self._elem_cum_counts = None self._first_pass = first_pass self._calculate() @property def ranges(self) -> RangeCollection: """ The ranges used for ranging the mass spectrum """ return self._ranges @property def extents(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the spatial extents (by center positions) of the grids """ return ( (self._X.min(), self._X.max()), (self._Y.min(), self._Y.max()), (self._Z.min(), self._Z.max()), ) @property def first_pass(self) -> bool: """ Whether to compute first pass delocalization """ return self._first_pass @property def centers(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray, ndarray]: """ The center positions of the structured grids For MxNxP voxels this returns 3 arrays of dimensions: Mx1x1, 1xNx1, 1x1xP """ return self._X, self._Y, self._Z @property def bin_width(self) -> float: """ Bin width of the voxels """ return self._voxel @property def delocalization(self) -> ndarray: """ Amount of smoothing used during the delocalization process """ return self._delocalization @property def gauss_trunc(self) -> Number: """ Where to truncate the gaussian kernel for second pass delocalization """ return self._gauss_trunc @property def all_ionic_counts(self) -> Dict[Ion, ndarray]: """ Get all ionic count grids in a dict """ return self._ion_counts @property def all_elemental_frac(self) -> Dict[Element, ndarray]: """ Get all elemental fraction grids as a dict """ return self._elem_frac @property def all_elemental_frac_str(self) -> Dict[str, ndarray]: """ Get all elemental fraction grids as a dictionary (using elemental symbols) """ return {i.symbol: j for i, j in self._elem_frac.items()} @property def elemental_counts_total(self) -> Number: """ Get the total (sum) of all elemental counts """ return self._elem_cum_counts @property def elemental_counts_grid(self) -> ndarray: """ Get an array of the cumulative elemental counts in each bin """ return self._elem_counts_array
[docs] def ionic_counts(self, ion: Ion) -> ndarray: """ Get a single ionic counts grid :param ion: The ion of the grid to return """ if ion not in self.all_ionic_counts.keys(): raise ValueError("Ion {} does not exist in the RangedGrid".format(ion.hill_formula)) return self.all_ionic_counts[ion]
[docs] def elemental_frac(self, element: Union[str, Element]) -> ndarray: """ Get a single elemental fraction grid :param element: the elemental of the grid to return (Element or str) """ if isinstance(element, str): el = None for i, j in self.all_elemental_frac.items(): if i.symbol == element: el = i break return self.all_elemental_frac[el] elif isinstance(element, Element): return self.all_elemental_frac[element] else: raise TypeError("Expected elemental symbol string or Element type, got {} instead".format(type(element)))
def _calculate(self): """ Compute the ranged grids """ dims = self.roi.dimensions n_voxels = n.ceil(dims / self.bin_width).ravel().astype(int) dx, dy, dz = self.roi.xyz_extents range_elems = self.ranges.elements() self._ion_counts = {i.ion: n.zeros(n_voxels) for i in self.ranges.ranges} r = self.bin_width / 2 X, Y, Z = make_coordinate_grids(self.roi.xyz_extents, self.bin_width) self._X = X self._Y = Y self._Z = Z if not self.first_pass: pass1_3sigma = 0 stddev = self.delocalization / 3 else: pass1_3sigma = self.bin_width / 2 stddev = n.sqrt((self.delocalization / 3) ** 2 - n.tile(pass1_3sigma / 3, 3) ** 2) stddev_vox = stddev / self.bin_width init_counts = [] final_counts = [] def ranged_xyz(rng): low, up = rng.interval idx = n.argwhere((self.roi.mass >= low) & (self.roi.mass < up)).ravel() init_counts.append(idx.shape[0]) return[idx].astype(float) N = len(self.ranges) nproc = min(N, mp.cpu_count()) if self.first_pass: result = [ion_transfer(X, Y, Z, ranged_xyz(i), pass1_3sigma) for i in self.ranges] else: result = [] for i, rng in enumerate(self.ranges): coords = ranged_xyz(rng) counts, _ = n.histogramdd(coords, bins=n_voxels) result.append(counts) for i, data in zip(self.ranges, result): final_counts.append(n.sum(data)) nan = n.count_nonzero(n.isnan(data)) if nan > 0: raise ArithmeticError( "NaNs encountered during first pass delocalization, try picking a different bin width" ) self._ion_counts[i.ion] += gaussian_filter( data, sigma=stddev_vox, # mode="constant", truncate=self.gauss_trunc, ) self._elem_frac = {i: 0 for i in range_elems} self._elem_counts = {i: 0 for i in range_elems} elem_counts = self._elem_counts for ion, counts in self._ion_counts.items(): for elem, mult in ion.comp_dict.items(): elem_counts[elem] += mult * counts self._elem_counts_array = sum(array for array in elem_counts.values()) norm = sum(i for i in elem_counts.values()) self._elem_cum_counts = norm for key in elem_counts.keys(): ary = elem_counts[key] self._elem_frac[key] = n.divide(ary, norm, where=ary > 0)
[docs]class DensityHistogram(AnalysisBase): """ Compute density histograms on an Roi """ def __init__(self, roi: Roi, bin_width=0.3, axis="z", multiplicity="all"): """ :param roi: region of interest :param bin_width: width of the bin size in Daltons :param axis: which axis the histogram should be computed on ("x", "y", or "z") :param multiplicity: the multiplicity order to compute histogram with """ super().__init__(roi) self.bin_width = validate.positive_nonzero_number(bin_width) self._multiplicity = validate.multiplicity_any(multiplicity) if multiplicity != "all": roi.require_multihit_info() self._histogram = None self._histogram_extents = None self._axis = validate.choice(axis, ("x", "y", "z")) self._bin_vol = None self._calculate_histogram() @property def multiplicity(self) -> Union[str, int]: return self._multiplicity @property def bin_vol(self) -> Number: return self._bin_vol @property def axis(self) -> str: return self._axis @property def histogram(self) -> ndarray: return self._histogram @property def histogram_extents(self) -> ndarray: return self._histogram_extents def _calculate_histogram(self): orient_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} ax1, ax2 = ([:, val] for key, val in orient_map.items() if key != self.axis) ext_ax1, ext_ax2 = (self.roi.xyz_extents[val] for key, val in orient_map.items() if key != self.axis) ext = (ext_ax1, ext_ax2) if self.multiplicity == "all": self._histogram = histogram2d_binwidth(ax1, ax2, ext, self.bin_width) else: idx = get_mass_indices(self.roi.misc["ipp"], self.multiplicity) self._histogram = histogram2d_binwidth(ax1[idx], ax2[idx], ext, self.bin_width) self._histogram_extents = ext