Source code for apav.core.isotopic

This file is part of APAV.

APAV is a python package for performing analysis and visualization on
atom probe tomography data sets.

Copyright (C) 2018 Jesse Smith

APAV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

APAV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with APAV.  If not, see <>.
from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Union, Type, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from numbers import Real, Number
from numpy import ndarray

import periodictable as pt
from periodictable import elements as el
from periodictable.core import Element
import tabulate as tab
import numpy as n

from itertools import product
from operator import attrgetter
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import re
from copy import deepcopy

from apav.utils import validate

_syms = [

_comp_re = re.compile(r"([A-Z][a-z]?)([0-9]*)")

class UnknownElement:
    def __init__(self, symbol: str):
        self._symbol = symbol

    def __repr__(self):
        return self.symbol

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, (UnknownElement, Element)):
            return NotImplemented
        elif other.symbol == self.symbol:
            return True
            return False

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.symbol))

    def name(self):
        return self._symbol

    def symbol(self):
        return self._symbol

    def mass(self):
        return 0

    def number(self):
        return 0

    def isotopes(self):
        raise ValueError(f"Placeholder element {self.symbol} does not have isotopes")

    def add_isotope(self, number):
        raise ValueError(f"Placeholder element {self.symbol} does not have isotopes")

def str2composition(formula: str) -> Dict[Element, int]:
    Convert a chemical formula string to a dict
    :param formula: the chemical string
    if not isinstance(formula, str):
        raise TypeError(f"Chemical formula must be string not {type(formula)}")
    if not formula:
        raise ValueError("Formula cannot be null")

    matches = re.findall(_comp_re, formula)
    if len(matches) == 0:
        raise ValueError("Formula cannot be null")

    all_matches = "".join([i[0] + i[1] for i in matches])

    # If the original formula is not the same length as the regex matches then the formula is invalid
    if len(all_matches) != len(formula):
        raise ValueError(f"Unable to interpret chemical formula string: {formula}")

    comp = defaultdict(lambda: 0)

    # Convert the matches to a dict
    for elem, count in matches:
        if elem in _syms:
            element = el.symbol(elem)
            element = UnknownElement(elem)

        if count:
            if count == "0":
                raise ValueError(f"Element {elem} cannot have 0 atoms")
            num = int(count)
            comp[element] += num
            comp[element] += 1

    return dict(comp)

class Ion:
    def __init__(self, formula: str, charge: int = 0):
        self._charge = int(charge)
        self._comp_dict = str2composition(formula)
        self._formula = formula

    def __eq__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Ion):
            return NotImplemented
        if self.comp_dict != other.comp_dict:
            return False
        elif self.charge != other.charge:
            return False
            return True

    def __str__(self):
        return self.formula + " " + str(self.charge) + "+"

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash((self.hill_formula, self.charge))

    def items(self):
        return self.comp_dict.items()

    def formula(self) -> str:
        Get the ion's formula
        return self._formula

    def charge(self) -> int:
        Get the ion charge
        return self._charge

    def comp_str_dict(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        Get the composition as a dictionary of (element str: num) key/value pairs
        retn = {}
        for elem, num in self.comp_dict.items():
            retn[elem.symbol] = num

        return retn

    def comp_dict(self) -> Dict[Element, int]:
        Get the composition as a dictionary of (element: num) key/value pairs
        return deepcopy(self._comp_dict)

    def elements(self) -> List[Element]:
        Get a list of all unique elements in the ion
        return [i for i in self.comp_dict.keys()]

    def number(self) -> Number:
        Get the cumulative atomic number of the ion
        retn = 0
        for elem, count in self._comp_dict.items():
            retn += elem.number * count

        return retn

    def mass(self) -> Number:
        Get the cumulative atomic mass of the ion
        retn = 0
        for elem, count in self._comp_dict.items():
            retn += elem.mass * count

        return retn

    def num_atoms(self) -> int:
        Get the total number of atoms in the ion
        return sum(i for i in self.comp_dict.values())

    def hill_formula(self) -> str:
        Get the formula as a hill formula
        comp = self.comp_dict
        carbon = ""
        hydrogen = ""
        if el.C in comp.keys():
            count = comp.pop(el.C)
            carbon = "C" + str(count) if count > 1 else "C"
        if el.H in comp.keys():
            count = comp.pop(el.H)
            hydrogen = "H" + str(count) if count > 1 else "H"

        rest = [(elem.symbol, count) for elem, count in comp.items()]
        rest.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
        retn = carbon + hydrogen
        for elem_str, count in rest:
            retn += elem_str + str(count) if count > 1 else elem_str

        return retn

    def all_real_elements(self) -> bool:
        Determine if any elements in the composition are not Number (place holder or unknown elements)
        return all(not isinstance(i, UnknownElement) for i in self.elements)

[docs]class Isotope: """ A single isotope """ def __init__(self, ion: Ion, number: int, mass: Number, abundance: Number): """ This class defines a single isotopic species, defined by composition, charge, mass, and absolute abundance. These values must be provided manually, see `IsotopeSeries` for calculating isotope distributions (which uses this class in its calculations). This class may be used for defining custom/modified isotopes for `IsotopeSeries`. >>> carbon_12 = Isotope(Ion("C", 1), 12, 6, 98.93) :param ion: Ion composition :param number: atomic number :param mass: atomic mass :param abundance: absolute isotopic abundance """ if not isinstance(ion, Ion): raise validate.IonTypeError(ion) self._ion = ion self._number = validate.positive_nonzero_int(number) self._mass = validate.positive_nonzero_number(mass) self._abundance = validate.number_in_interval(abundance, 0, 1, lower_open=True, upper_open=False) def __repr__(self): return f"Isotope: {self.ion.hill_formula} +{self.charge} {self.number} @ {n.round(self.mass, 3)} Da {n.round(self.abundance*100, 2)} %" def __eq__(self, other): if ( self.ion == other.ion and self.number == other.number and self.mass == other.mass and self.abundance == other.abundance ): return True else: return False @property def ion(self) -> Ion: """ Get the :class:`Ion` (Composition and charge) """ return self._ion @property def number(self) -> int: """ Get the atomic number of the isotope """ return self._number @property def mass(self) -> Number: """ Get the atomic mass of the isotope """ return self._mass @property def abundance(self) -> Number: """ Get the absolute abundance of the isotope """ return self._abundance @property def charge(self) -> int: """ Get the cumulative charge of the isotope """ return self._ion.charge
[docs]class IsotopeSeries: """ Compute isotopic distributions """ def __init__(self, *args, isotopes: Optional[List[Isotope]] = None, threshold: Number = 0.01): """ This class computes isotopic distributions of arbitrary elemental or molecular compositions. The only physical requirement is that the charge is not 0. This computation can be constructed by providing either the Ion instance directly, or by providing a string of the composition and an integer of the charge. i.e.: >>> ion1 = IsotopeSeries(Ion("GdCuO2", 3)) >>> ion2 = IsotopeSeries("GdCuO2", 3) >>> ion1 == ion2 These are equivalent. Complex compositions can sometimes produce very large number of isotopologues with very small abundances that are quite below the detectability of most atom probe experiments. As a result the computation is thresholded to only display isotopologues above this threshold. As a result, the sum of the absolute abundances from >>> IsotopeSeries.isotopes is not guaranteed to be unity. If this is important, the threshold can be set to 0 to get all isotopologues, or consider working with relative abundances instead. This computation works for both elemental and molecular ions, i.e. >>> IsotopeSeries("CuO2", 2) >>> IsotopeSeries("Cu", 3) Are both valid signatures. The calculation used is derived from the following work: Margrave, J. L., & Polansky, R. B. (1962). Relative abundance calculations for isotopic molecular species. Journal of Chemical Education, 39(7), 335–337. :param *args: Either Ion type, or composition (str) and charge (int) :param isotopes: "None" to calculate, otherwise must be provided explicitly """ if isinstance(args[0], Ion) and len(args) == 1: ion = args[0] elif isinstance(args[0], str) and len(args) == 1: ion = Ion(args[0], 1) elif len(args) == 2: if isinstance(args[0], str) and isinstance(args[1], int): ion = Ion(args[0], args[1]) else: raise ValueError("Expected string as first argument and charge int as second") else: raise ValueError("Could not decipher arguments") if not isinstance(ion, Ion): raise validate.IonTypeError(ion) self._ion = ion if self.ion.charge == 0: raise ValueError("Can only calculate isotopes of non-neutral ions (charge != 0)") # Set the isotopes self._all_isotopes = [] self._isotopes = [] if isotopes is not None: self._init_isotopes_as_manual(isotopes) else: if ion.num_atoms == 1: self._init_isotopes_as_element() else: self._init_isotopes_as_molecular() self.__index = 0 self._threshold = None self.threshold = threshold def __repr__(self): thresh_str = f", threshold: {self.threshold*100}%" if self.threshold else ", all isotopes" retn = f"IsotopeSeries: {self.ion.hill_formula} +{self.ion.charge}{thresh_str}\n" max_val = max(i.abundance for i in self.isotopes) data = [ [i + 1, iso.ion.hill_formula, iso.number, iso.mass, iso.abundance * 100, iso.abundance / max_val * 100] for i, iso in enumerate(self.isotopes) ] table = tab.tabulate(data, ("", "Ion", "Isotope", "Mass", "Abs. abundance %", "Rel. abundance %")) retn += table return retn def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self._isotopes) def __iter__(self): self.__index = 0 return self def __next__(self) -> Isotope: if len(self._isotopes) == 0: raise StopIteration elif self.__index == len(self._isotopes): self.__index = 0 raise StopIteration else: self.__index += 1 return self._isotopes[self.__index - 1] def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Isotope: return self._isotopes[index] @property def charge(self) -> int: """ Get the cumulative charge of the ion """ return self._ion.charge @property def ion(self) -> Ion: """ Get the :class:`Ion` (Composition and charge) """ return self._ion @property def abundances(self) -> ndarray: """ Get an array of the abundances of each isotope """ return n.array([i.abundance for i in self]) @property def masses(self) -> ndarray: """ Get an array of the mass/charge ratios of each isotope """ return n.array([i.mass for i in self]) @property def isotopes(self) -> List[Isotope]: """ Get an array of all isotopes """ return self._isotopes @property def threshold(self) -> Number: """ Get the threshold used for computing the isotopes """ return self._threshold @threshold.setter def threshold(self, new: Number): """ Set the threshold. This represents the absolute abundance limit for the computed isotopes :param new: the new absolute abundance limit/threshold """ self._threshold = validate.number_in_interval(new, 0, 1, lower_open=False, upper_open=False) if self.threshold == 0: self._isotopes = self._all_isotopes else: self._isotopes = [iso for iso in self._all_isotopes if iso.abundance >= self.threshold] def _init_isotopes_as_manual(self, isotopes): if not all(iso.ion == self.ion for iso in isotopes): raise ValueError("All isotopes must be of the same ion") if len(set(iso.mass for iso in isotopes)) != len(isotopes): raise ValueError("Cannot have duplicate isotopes") if not all(iso.charge == self.charge for iso in isotopes): raise ValueError("All isotopes must have the same charge") self._all_isotopes = sorted(isotopes, key=lambda iso: iso.mass) def _init_isotopes_as_element(self): """ Initialize the isotopes from an elemental ion (1 element 1 atom) """ pt_elem = pt.elements.symbol(self.ion.elements[0].symbol) isos = [ Isotope(self.ion, pt_elem[i].isotope, pt_elem[i].mass / self.ion.charge, pt_elem[i].abundance / 100) for i in pt_elem.isotopes if pt_elem[i].abundance > 0 ] self._init_isotopes_as_manual(isos) assert self._is_unity def _init_isotopes_as_molecular(self): """ Initialize the isotopes from a molecular ion (multiple elements/atoms) Calculation is derived from the following work: Margrave, J. L., & Polansky, R. B. (1962). Relative abundance calculations for isotopic molecular species. Journal of Chemical Education, 39(7), 335–337. """ def elem2ion(elem: Element, charge: int): return Ion(elem.symbol, charge) # Get the isotopes for each element (we ignore the scaling of charge until later) elem_isos_series = dict((i.symbol, IsotopeSeries(elem2ion(i, 1), threshold=0)) for i in self.ion.elements) inputs = [] for elem_str, elem_num in self.ion.comp_str_dict.items(): for i in range(int(elem_num)): inputs.append(elem_isos_series[elem_str].isotopes) # Create all possible combinations of isotopes combinations = list(product(*inputs)) # Sort each isotopic combination by element first then isotope for i, item in enumerate(combinations): combinations[i] = sorted(item, key=attrgetter("ion.hill_formula", "number")) # Extract each unique isotopic combination unique_isos = [] for i in combinations: if i not in unique_isos: unique_isos.append(i) # Calculate the isotopic abundances of the unique isotope combinations rslts = [] for u_iso in unique_isos: iso_dict: Dict[str, List[Tuple[Isotope, int]]] = defaultdict(lambda: []) for iso in u_iso: if iso in (i[0] for i in iso_dict[iso.ion.hill_formula]): continue else: count = u_iso.count(iso) iso_dict[iso.ion.hill_formula].append((iso, count)) elem_parts = [] for elem, isos in iso_dict.items(): elem_amount = math.factorial(self.ion.comp_str_dict[elem]) isotope_amounts =[math.factorial(i[1]) for i in isos]) isotope_abundances =[i[0].abundance ** (i[1]) for i in isos]) elem_parts.append(elem_amount * isotope_abundances / isotope_amounts) rslts.append( # Make the Isotope objects new_isos = [] for isos, abundance in zip(unique_isos, rslts): number = sum(i.number for i in isos) mass = sum(i.mass for i in isos) / n.abs(self.ion.charge) newiso = Isotope(self.ion, number, mass, abundance) new_isos.append(newiso) self._init_isotopes_as_manual(new_isos) assert self._is_unity def _is_unity(self): """ For internal checking when all isotopic abundances equal unity """ return n.isclose(sum(i.abundance for i in self._all_isotopes), 1, 1e-10)