Source code for apav.core.roi

This file is part of APAV.

APAV is a python package for performing analysis and visualization on
atom probe tomography data sets.

Copyright (C) 2018 Jesse Smith

APAV is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

APAV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with APAV.  If not, see <>.

from sys import getsizeof
from functools import lru_cache
import os
import struct
from enum import Enum
from warnings import warn

from typing import Sequence, Tuple, List, Dict, Any, Union, Type, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from numbers import Real, Number
from numpy import ndarray

import numpy as n
import numpy.linalg as la

from apav.utils import validate
from apav.utils.helpers import unique_vals, minmax, array2native_byteorder
from apav.core.multipleevent import get_mass_indices
from apav.utils.validate import NoMultiEventError, NoDetectorInfoError, NoTOFError
from apav.core.histogram import histogram1d
from apav.visualization import plotting
from apav.utils.logging import log

_bf = ">f4"
_bi = ">i4"
_lf = "<f4"
_li = "<i4"

[docs]class Roi: """ High level container for operating on atom probe data sets. """ _ato_dtype = n.dtype( [ ("xyz", (_lf, 3)), ("mass", _lf), ("cluster_id", _li), ("pulse_number", _lf), ("dc_voltage", _lf), # kV ("tof", _lf), ("det_x", _lf), # cm ("det_y", _lf), # cm ("pulse_voltage", _lf), # kV ("vvolt", _lf), ("fourier_r", _lf), ("fourier_i", _lf), ] ) _epos_dtype = [ ("xyz", (_bf, 3)), ("mass", _bf), ("tof", _bf), ("dc_voltage", _bf), ("pulse_voltage", _bf), ("det_x", _bf), ("det_y", _bf), ("psl", _bi), ("ipp", _bi), ] def __init__(self, xyz: ndarray, mass: ndarray, misc: dict = None): """ This data structure is the entry point for loading or constructing atom probe data set for use with other components of APAV. Fictitious atom probe data set can be created by providing the required XYZ and mass/charge arrays, or by the alternate constructors for loading from common file types. For example: Manual data set:: >>> xyz = np.array([[1.2, 0.3, 12.6], [-76.2, 45.6, 0.7]]) >>> mass = np.array([12.4, 6.1, 14.9]) >>> fake_data = Roi(xyz, mass) Load from file:: >>> pos_data = Roi.from_pos("path_to_pos_file.pos") # load a pos file >>> epos_data = Roi.from_epos("path_to_epos_file.epos") # load a epos file >>> ato_data = Roi.from_ato("path_to_ato_file.ato") # load an ato file :param xyz: xyz atom coordinates :param mass: Mass to charge ratios :param misc: Dict of other data, (i.e. ions per pulse or detector x pos) """ super().__init__() if not isinstance(xyz, ndarray) or not isinstance(mass, ndarray): raise TypeError("Mass and xyz coordinates must be numpy arrays") if len(xyz.shape) != 2 or xyz.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError(f"XYZ array is not correct shape {xyz.shape} should be (Mx3)") if len(mass.shape) != 1: print("Mass shape", len(mass.shape)) raise ValueError("Mass array must be 1 dimensional") if xyz.shape[0] != mass.shape[0]: raise ValueError("XYZ and mass must have the same number of entries (per atom)") self._filepath = "" self._xyz = xyz self._mass = mass self._misc = misc or {} # The mask is a 1d array of indices into the raw data (xyz/mass/etc). If the mask is None then # we use the whole data set, otherwise accessing any of this data will first slice using this mask. # The mask gets set when creating sub-rois from existing (i.e. a cylinder roi). self._mask = None # Delay computing these values until they called for the first time, greatly increases initialization speed # with large data sets. numpy.unique can be slower than reading and initializing the data in certain cases self._multiplicities = None self._multiplicity_counts = None self._xyz_extents = None self._dimensions = None self._from_pos_or_epos = False @property def filepath(self) -> str: """ Get the file path, if the :class:`Roi` was loaded from a file """ return self._filepath @property def multiplicities(self) -> ndarray: """ Get an array of the sorted multiplicities. """ if not self.has_multiplicity_info(): raise NoMultiEventError() elif self.has_multiplicity_info() and self._multiplicities is None: self._multiplicities = unique_vals(self.misc["ipp"]) self._multiplicities.sort() self._multiplicities = self._multiplicities[1:] return self._multiplicities @property def xyz(self) -> n.ndarray: """ Get the Mx3 array of the x/y/z positions """ if self._mask is None: return self._xyz else: return self._xyz[self._mask] @property def mass(self) -> n.ndarray: """ Get the Mx1 array of the mass/charge ratios of each position """ if self._mask is None: return self._mass else: return self._mass[self._mask] @property def misc(self) -> dict: """ Get the dictionary of miscellaneous data for each position. This is usually populated automatically when the :class:`Roi` is create from :meth:`Roi.from_epos` or :meth:`Roi.from_ato`. """ if self._mask is None: return self._misc else: return {key: value[self._mask] for key, value in self._misc.items()} @property def counts(self) -> int: """ Get the total number of detected ions """ return[0] @property def dimensions(self) -> ndarray: """ Get the x/y/z dimensions of the dataset """ # return tuple(i[1] - i[0] for i in self.xyz_extents) return n.diff(self.xyz_extents).ravel() @property def mass_extents(self) -> Tuple[float, float]: """ Get the min and max detected mass/charge ratio """ return self.mass.min(), self.mass.max() @property def xyz_extents(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], ...]: """ Get the min/max spatial values of the x/y/z coordinates in nm. """ if self._xyz_extents is None: # The 3 major 64-bit operating systems are little endian, so we must byte swap before using the numba # accelerated minmax function if the roi was originally from a pos or epos file (these files are big endian) # if self._from_pos_or_epos is True: # self._xyz_extents = tuple(minmax([:, i].byteswap().view()) for i in range([1])) # else: self._xyz_extents = tuple(minmax([:, i]) for i in range([1])) return self._xyz_extents @property def xyz_center(self) -> ndarray: """ Get the center of all positions as the mean of all x/y/z values """ return n.mean(, axis=0) @property def detector_extents(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], Tuple[float, float]]: """ Get the min/max spatial values in x/y detector coordinates """ if "det_x" not in self.misc.keys(): raise NoDetectorInfoError() dx = (self.misc["det_x"].min(), self.misc["det_x"].max()) dy = (self.misc["det_y"].min(), self.misc["det_y"].max()) return dx, dy
[docs] def has_detailed_info(self) -> bool: """ Get if the Roi has any supplementary information available (other than x/y/z/mass-charge). """ return bool(len(self.misc))
[docs] def has_multiplicity_info(self) -> bool: """ Get if the Roi has multiple detector event information """ return "ipp" in self.misc.keys()
[docs] def has_tof_info(self) -> bool: """ Get if the Roi has time of flight information """ return "tof" in self.misc.keys()
[docs] @classmethod def from_apt(cls, filepath: str, verbose: bool = False): """ Read the contents of an apt file into a Roi container :param filepath: Path to apt file :param verbose: Print the structure of the apt file as it is read (for debug purposes) """ validate.file_exists(filepath)"Reading apt file: {}".format(filepath)) class RelType(Enum): REL_UNKNOWN = 0 ONE_TO_ONE = 1 INDEXED = (2,) UNRELATED = 3 ONE_TO_MANY = 4 class RecordType(Enum): RT_UNKNOWN = 0 FIXED_SIZE = 1 VARIABLE_SIZE = 2 VARIABLE_INDEXED = 3 class RecordDataType(Enum): DT_UNKNOWN = 0 INT = 1 UINT = 2 FLOAT = 3 CHARSTRING = 4 OTHER = 5 class Dtype(Enum): int32 = 4 int64 = 8 char = 1 wchar_t = 2 filetime = 8 def record_dtype2numpy_dtype(rec_dtype: RecordDataType, size: int): """ Map a section's record data type to its equivalent numpy dtype """ if rec_dtype in (RecordDataType.UINT, RecordDataType.CHARSTRING): raise ValueError("Cannot map to UINT or CHARSTRING") int_map = {8: n.int8, 16: n.int16, 32: n.int32, 64: n.int64} float_map = {32: n.float32, 64: n.float64} if rec_dtype == RecordDataType.INT: return int_map[size] elif rec_dtype == RecordDataType.FLOAT: return float_map[size] else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected record data type {rec_dtype}") # Maps the apt format data type to str format needed for struct.unpack dtype2fmt = {Dtype.int32: "i", Dtype.int64: "q", Dtype.char: "c", Dtype.filetime: "Q", Dtype.wchar_t: "c"} # Maps the apt format data type to python data type dtype2constr = { Dtype.int32: int, Dtype.int64: int, Dtype.char: lambda x: x.decode("utf-8"), Dtype.wchar_t: lambda x: x.decode("utf-16"), Dtype.filetime: int, } with open(filepath, "rb") as dat: def read_chunk(dtype: Dtype, count: int = 1, start: Union[None, int] = None) -> Union[Tuple[Any], Any]: if isinstance(start, int): fmt = dtype2fmt[dtype] * count constructor = dtype2constr[dtype] dtype_size = dtype.value if dtype in (Dtype.wchar_t, Dtype.char): return constructor( * count)).replace("\x00", "") else: retn = struct.unpack("<" + fmt, * count)) if len(retn) == 1: return constructor(retn[0]) else: return tuple(constructor(i) for i in retn) cSignature = read_chunk(Dtype.char, 4) # Read the APT file header -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iHeaderSize = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) iHeaderVersion = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) wcFileName = read_chunk(Dtype.wchar_t, 256) ftCreationTime = read_chunk(Dtype.filetime) llIonCount = read_chunk(Dtype.int64) if verbose: print(f"\nReading header of {filepath}") print(f"\tcSignature: " + cSignature) print(f"\tiHeaderSize: {iHeaderSize}") print(f"\tiHeaderVersion: {iHeaderVersion}") print(f"\twcFileName: {wcFileName}") print(f"\tftCreationTime: {ftCreationTime}") print(f"\t11IonCount: {llIonCount}") # Read the APT sections ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- section_start = iHeaderSize section_data = {} while True: sec_sig = read_chunk(Dtype.char, 4, section_start) if sec_sig == "": # EOF reached break # Flag used to not include a section in the Roi when a configuration # situation is not implemented or handled skip_sec = False sec_header_size = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) sec_header_ver = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) sec_type = read_chunk(Dtype.wchar_t, 32) sec_ver = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) sec_rel_type = RelType(read_chunk(Dtype.int32)) is_one_to_one = sec_rel_type == RelType.ONE_TO_ONE if not is_one_to_one: warn(f'APAV does not handle REL_TYPE != ONE_TO_ONE, section "{sec_type}" will be ignored') skip_sec = True sec_rec_type = RecordType(read_chunk(Dtype.int32)) is_fixed_size = sec_rec_type == RecordType.FIXED_SIZE if not is_fixed_size: warn(f'APAV does not handle RECORD_TYPE != FIXED_SIZE, section "{sec_type}" will be ignored') skip_sec = True sec_rec_dtype = RecordDataType(read_chunk(Dtype.int32)) if sec_rec_dtype in (RecordDataType.DT_UNKNOWN, RecordDataType.OTHER, RecordDataType.CHARSTRING): warn(f'APAV does not handle RECORD_TYPE == {sec_rec_dtype}, section "{sec_type}" will be ignored') skip_sec = True sec_dtype_size = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) sec_rec_size = read_chunk(Dtype.int32) sec_data_unit = read_chunk(Dtype.wchar_t, 16) sec_rec_count = read_chunk(Dtype.int64) sec_byte_count = read_chunk(Dtype.int64) if verbose: print("\nReading new section") print(f"\tSection header sig: {sec_sig}") print(f"\tSection header size: {sec_header_size}") print(f"\tSection header version: {sec_header_ver}") print(f"\tSection type: {sec_type}") print(f"\tSection version: {sec_ver}") print(f"\tSection relative type: {sec_rel_type}") print(f"\tSection record type: {sec_rec_type}") print(f"\tSection record data type: {sec_rec_dtype}") print(f"\tSection data type size (bits): {sec_dtype_size}") print(f"\tSection record size: {sec_rec_size}") print(f"\tSection data type unit: {sec_data_unit}") print(f"\tSection record count: {sec_rec_count}") print(f"\tSection byte count: {sec_byte_count}") if not skip_sec: columns = int(sec_rec_size / (sec_dtype_size / 8)) records = int(sec_rec_count) count = records * columns in_data = n.fromfile( filepath, record_dtype2numpy_dtype(sec_rec_dtype, sec_dtype_size), count, offset=section_start + sec_header_size, ) if columns > 1: section_data[sec_type] = in_data.reshape(records, columns) else: section_data[sec_type] = in_data section_start = section_start + sec_byte_count + sec_header_size has_mass_data = "Mass" in section_data.keys() has_pos_data = "Position" in section_data.keys() # Map some APT section names to those that APAV expects, otherwise the provided name is retained name_map = { "Multiplicity": "ipp", "Time of Flight": "tof", "XDet_mm": "det_x", "YDet_mm": "det_y", "Voltage": "dc_voltage", "Pulse Voltage": "pulse_voltage", } # Require mass and position data, clean up some sections, and account for possible duplicate sections (i.e. # XDet_mm + YDet_mm combined with Detector Coordinates if not has_mass_data: raise AttributeError("APT file must have include a mass section") elif not has_pos_data: raise AttributeError("APT file must have include a position section") mass = section_data.pop("Mass") pos = section_data.pop("Position") # There are 2 difference ways that detector space coordinates can be included in an apt file, as a single # section containing both x/y or the x and y in separate sections. Only when the separate x/y sections are not # present we will load the combined x/y data (which we separate into different x and y arrays). if "Detector Coordinates" in section_data.keys(): temp = section_data.pop("Detector Coordinates") if "XDet_mm" not in section_data.keys(): section_data["det_x"] = temp[:, 0] if "YDet_mm" not in section_data.keys(): section_data["det_y"] = temp[:, 1] roi = cls(pos, mass) roi._filepath = filepath for key, data in section_data.items(): name = key if key not in name_map.keys() else name_map[key] roi.misc[name] = data return roi
[docs] @classmethod def from_pos(cls, filepath: str): """ Read the contents of a pos file into a Roi container :param filepath: Path to pos file """ validate.file_exists(filepath)"Reading pos file: {}".format(filepath)) dtype = n.dtype(">f4") data = n.fromfile(filepath, dtype=dtype, sep="") data.shape = (int(data.size / 4), 4) # Data in epos files are big endian which most operating systems are not. Convert to native byte-order # to prevent errors in compiled c extensions data = array2native_byteorder(data) retn = cls(data[:, :3], data[:, 3]) retn._filepath = filepath retn._from_pos_or_epos = True return retn
[docs] @classmethod def from_epos(cls, filepath: str): """ Read the contents of an extended pos file into an Roi container. Suitable for multiple-hit analysis. :param filepath: Path to epos file """ validate.file_exists(filepath)"Reading epos file: {}".format(filepath)) data = n.fromfile(filepath, dtype=n.dtype(Roi._epos_dtype)) # Data in epos files are big endian which most operating systems are not. Convert to little endian # to prevent errors in compiled c extensions data = array2native_byteorder(data) retn = cls( data["xyz"], data["mass"], { "tof": data["tof"], "dc_voltage": data["dc_voltage"], "pulse_voltage": data["pulse_voltage"], "det_x": data["det_x"], "det_y": data["det_y"], "psl": data["psl"], "ipp": data["ipp"].astype(n.uint8), }, ) retn._filepath = filepath retn._from_pos_or_epos = True return retn
[docs] @classmethod def from_ato(cls, filepath: str): """ Read the contents of an extended ato file into an Roi container. Suitable for multiple-hit analysis. :param filepath: Path to ato file """ validate.file_exists(filepath)"Reading ato file: {}".format(filepath)) with open(filepath, "rb") as ato:, os.SEEK_SET) f = "<f4" i = "<i4" data = n.fromfile(ato, dtype=Roi._ato_dtype) data = array2native_byteorder(data) # Process some data to make units consistent and other cleaning pulsen = data["pulse_number"].copy().astype(n.int64) diff = n.diff(data["pulse_number"]) switch_idx = n.argwhere(diff < 0).ravel() begin = n.concatenate((n.array([0]), switch_idx + 1)) end = n.concatenate((switch_idx, pulsen.shape)) data["dc_voltage"] *= 1000 # to volts data["pulse_voltage"] *= 1000 # to volts data["tof"] *= 1e-3 # to nanoseconds for j, startstop in enumerate(zip(begin, end)): start, stop = startstop pulsen[start : stop + 1] += j * 2**24 data["pulse_number"] = pulsen retn = cls( data["xyz"], data["mass"], { "tof": data["tof"], "dc_voltage": data["dc_voltage"], "pulse_voltage": data["pulse_voltage"], "pulse_number": data["pulse_number"], "det_x": data["det_x"], "det_y": data["det_y"], }, ) retn._filepath = filepath return retn
[docs] def to_pos(self, filepath: str): """ Write the roi to a standard pos file :param filepath: path of the pos file """ validate.dir_is_writable(filepath)"Writing pos file to: {}".format(filepath)) dtype = n.dtype(">f4") out = n.hstack([, self.mass[None].T]).astype(dtype) out.tofile(filepath, sep="")
[docs] def to_epos(self, filepath: str): """ Write the roi to a standard extended pos file :param filepath: path of the epos file """ validate.dir_is_writable(filepath) epos_misc_entries = ["tof", "dc_voltage", "pulse_voltage", "det_x", "det_y", "psl", "ipp"] if not all(i in self.misc.keys() for i in epos_misc_entries): raise AttributeError("Roi does not contain the required misc keys to write to epos")"Writing epos file to: {}".format(filepath)) out = n.zeros(int(self.counts), dtype=Roi._epos_dtype) out["xyz"] = out["mass"] = self.mass out["tof"] = self.misc["tof"] out["dc_voltage"] = self.misc["dc_voltage"] out["pulse_voltage"] = self.misc["pulse_voltage"] out["det_x"] = self.misc["det_x"] out["det_y"] = self.misc["det_y"] out["psl"] = self.misc["psl"] out["ipp"] = self.misc["ipp"] out.tofile(filepath, sep="")
[docs] def memory_size(self) -> float: """ Get the approximate memory footprint in Mb """ val = getsizeof(self) val += val += self.mass.nbytes for i in self.misc.values(): val += i.nbytes return round(val / 1024**2, 3)
[docs] def multiplicity_counts(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Get the statistical count of each degree of multiple-detector events """ if not self.has_multiplicity_info(): raise validate.NoMultiEventError() if self._multiplicity_counts is None: if self.multiplicities.size == 0: return n.array([]), n.array([]) counts = n.zeros(self.multiplicities.size) for i, j in enumerate(self.multiplicities): counts[i] = get_mass_indices(self.misc["ipp"], j).size self._multiplicity_counts = self.multiplicities, counts return self._multiplicity_counts
[docs] def multiplicity_percentage(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Get the statistical percentage of each degree of multiple-detector events """ mult, counts = self.multiplicity_fraction() return mult, counts * 100
[docs] def multiplicity_fraction(self) -> Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]: """ Get the statistical fraction of each degree of multiple-detector events """ mult, counts = self.multiplicity_counts() return mult, counts / counts.sum()
[docs] @lru_cache(50) def tof_histogram( self, bin_width: Number = 1, multiplicity: Union[str, int] = "all", norm: Union[bool, Tuple[Number, Number]] = False, cutoff: float = 2000, ) -> (ndarray, ndarray): """ Get the time-of-flight histogram of the given Roi. This function is cached to increase speed under repeated calls. :param bin_width: Bin width in Da :param multiplicity: The portion of multiplicity to generate the histogram from. "All" for all hits, int >= 1 for a specific multiplicity, "multiples" for all multiple hits. :param norm: Normalize the histogram to unity. True/False to generate normalization constant from the whole spectrum, or Tuple[float, float] to generate normalization constant from a range on the spectrum. :param cutoff: Maximum time of flight value to generate the histogram """ self.require_tof_info() validate.multiplicity_any(multiplicity) validate.positive_nonzero_number(bin_width) validate.positive_nonzero_number(cutoff) if multiplicity != "all": self.require_multihit_info() extents = (0, cutoff) # If multi-hit information is available if multiplicity == "all": counts, edges = histogram1d(self.misc["tof"], bin_width, extents) else: idxs = get_mass_indices(self.misc["ipp"], multiplicity) counts, edges = histogram1d(self.misc["tof"][idxs], bin_width, extents) # Normalization norm_val = 1 if norm is True: norm_val = counts.max() elif isinstance(norm, (tuple, list)): # Range base normalization if len(norm) != 2 or (norm[1] <= norm[0]) or any(i < 0 for i in norm): raise ValueError("Invalid normalization range") norm_idx = n.argwhere((edges >= norm[0]) & (edges <= norm[1])) norm_val = counts[norm_idx].upper() counts /= norm_val return edges, counts
[docs] @lru_cache(50) def mass_histogram( self, bin_width: Number = 0.05, lower: Number = 0, upper: Number = 200, multiplicity: Union[str, int] = "all", norm: Union[bool, Tuple[Number, Number]] = False, ) -> (ndarray, ndarray): """ Get the mass/charge ratio histogram of the given Roi. This function is cached to increase speed under repeated calls. :param bin_width: Bin width in daltons :param lower: Minimum mass/charge ratio :param upper: Minimum mass/charge ratio :param multiplicity: The portion of multiplicity to generate the histogram from. "All" for all hits, int >= 1 for a specific multiplicity, "multiples" for all multiple hits. :param norm: Normalize the histogram to unity. True/False to generate normalization constant from the whole spectrum, or Tuple[float, float] to generate normalization constant from a range on the spectrum. """ validate.multiplicity_any(multiplicity) validate.positive_nonzero_number(bin_width) validate.positive_interval((lower, upper)) if multiplicity != "all": self.require_multihit_info() extents = (lower, upper) # If multi-hit information is available if multiplicity == "all": counts, centers = histogram1d(self.mass, bin_width, extents) else: idxs = get_mass_indices(self.misc["ipp"], multiplicity) counts, centers = histogram1d(self.mass[idxs], bin_width, extents) # Normalization norm_val = 1 if norm is True: norm_val = counts.max() elif isinstance(norm, (tuple, list)): # Range base normalization if len(norm) != 2 or (norm[1] <= norm[0]) or any(i < 0 for i in norm): raise ValueError("Invalid normalization range") norm_idx = n.argwhere((centers >= norm[0]) & (centers <= norm[1])) norm_val = counts[norm_idx].upper() counts /= norm_val return centers, counts
[docs] def plot_mass_spectrum(self): """ Get an interactive plot of the mass spectrum of the Roi. """ return plotting.MassSpectrumPlot(self)
[docs] def require_multihit_info(self): """ Use when a function/argument requires multiple hit information """ if not self.has_multiplicity_info(): raise NoMultiEventError()
[docs] def require_detector_info(self): """ Use when a function/argument requires detector information """ if any(i not in self.misc.keys() for i in ("det_x", "det_y")): raise NoDetectorInfoError()
[docs] def require_tof_info(self): """ Use when a function/argument requires time of flight information """ if "tof" not in self.misc: raise NoTOFError()
class RoiSubsetType(Roi): """ For generating Roi instances from subsets of existing Roi. Also set certain restriction that otherwise would not make sense (such as file loading methods). """ @classmethod def from_ato(cls, filepath: str): """ Cannot load data into subset types """ raise Exception("Loading files from roi subset types is not allowed") @classmethod def from_pos(cls, filepath: str): """ Cannot load data into subset types """ raise Exception("Loading files from roi subset types is not allowed") @classmethod def from_epos(cls, filepath: str): """ Cannot load data into subset types """ raise Exception("Loading files from roi subset types is not allowed")
[docs]class RoiRectPrism(RoiSubsetType): """ Creates a new roi from an existing roi, containing ions within a rectangular prism """ def __init__(self, parent: Roi, center: Tuple[Number, Number, Number], widths: Tuple[Number, Number, Number]): """ :param parent: Parent Roi to generate the subset from :param center: Geometric center to place the rectangular prism :param widths: x, y, z lengths of the rectangular prism """ self._parent = parent self._center = center self._widths = validate.all_positive_nonzero(widths) super().__init__(, parent.mass, misc=parent.misc) self._from_pos_or_epos = self._parent._from_pos_or_epos xc, yc, zc = center dx, dy, dz = [width / 2 for width in widths] # Axis boundaries xext, yext, zext = (xc - dx, xc + dx), (yc - dy, yc + dy), (zc - dz, zc + dz) xyz = idx = n.argwhere((xext[0] < xyz[:, 0]) & (xyz[:, 0] < xext[1])).ravel() idx = idx[n.argwhere((yext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 1]) & (xyz[idx][:, 1] < yext[1])).ravel()] idx = idx[n.argwhere((zext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 2]) & (xyz[idx][:, 2] < zext[1])).ravel()] log.debug("Created {} with:\n\tcenter = {}\n\twidths = {}".format(self.__class__, center, widths)) self._mask = idx
[docs]class RoiSphere(RoiSubsetType): """ Creates a new roi from an existing roi, containing ions within a sphere """ def __init__(self, parent: Roi, center: Tuple[Number, Number, Number], radius: Number): """ :param parent: Parent Roi to generate the subset from :param center: Geometric center of the sphere :param radius: Radius of the sphere """ self._parent = parent self._center = center self._radius = validate.positive_nonzero_number(radius) super().__init__(, parent.mass, misc=parent.misc) self._from_pos_or_epos = self._parent._from_pos_or_epos xc, yc, zc = center # Axis boundaries xext, yext, zext = (xc - radius, xc + radius), (yc - radius, yc + radius), (zc - radius, zc + radius) xyz = # First filter out everything outside the bounding box idx = n.argwhere((xext[0] < xyz[:, 0]) & (xyz[:, 0] < xext[1])).ravel() idx = idx[n.argwhere((yext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 1]) & (xyz[idx][:, 1] < yext[1])).ravel()] idx = idx[n.argwhere((zext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 2]) & (xyz[idx][:, 2] < zext[1])).ravel()] # Then filter out everything not within the sphere radius r = la.norm((xyz[idx] - center), axis=1) idx = idx[n.argwhere(r < radius).ravel()] log.debug(f"Created {self.__class__} with:\n\tcenter = {center}\n\tradius = {radius}") self._mask = idx
[docs]class RoiCylinder(RoiSubsetType): """ Creates a new roi from an existing roi, containing ions within a cylinder """ def __init__( self, parent: Roi, center: Tuple[Number, Number, Number], radius: Number, height: Number, axis: str = "z" ): """ :param parent: Parent Roi to generate the subset from :param center: Geometric center to place the cylinder :param radius: Radius of the cylinder :param height: Height of the cylinder :param axis: Axis to orient the cylinder. Either "x", "y", or "z" """ self._parent = parent self._center = center self._radius = validate.positive_nonzero_number(radius) self._height = validate.positive_nonzero_number(height) self._axis = validate.choice(axis, ("x", "y", "z")) super().__init__(, parent.mass, misc=parent.misc) self._from_pos_or_epos = self._parent._from_pos_or_epos xc, yc, zc = center axis_map = {"x": 0, "y": 1, "z": 2} # index of the axial direction axial_idx = axis_map[axis] # Indices of the non-axial directions non_axial_idx = [i for i in range(3) if i != axial_idx] # Map the axis to the value corresponding to the difference from the center to that axes' outer boundary diff_map = {ax: radius if ax != axis else height / 2 for ax in ("x", "y", "z")} # Axis boundaries xext, yext, zext = ( (xc - diff_map["x"], xc + diff_map["x"]), (yc - diff_map["y"], yc + diff_map["y"]), (zc - diff_map["z"], zc + diff_map["z"]), ) xyz = # First filter out everything outside of the bounding box of the cylinder idx = n.argwhere((xext[0] < xyz[:, 0]) & (xyz[:, 0] < xext[1])).ravel() idx = idx[n.argwhere((yext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 1]) & (xyz[idx][:, 1] < yext[1])).ravel()] idx = idx[n.argwhere((zext[0] < xyz[idx][:, 2]) & (xyz[idx][:, 2] < zext[1])).ravel()] # Then filter out everything not within the cylinder radius r = la.norm((xyz[idx] - center)[:, non_axial_idx], axis=1) idx = idx[n.argwhere(r < radius).ravel()] log.debug( f"Created {self.__class__} with:\n\tcenter = {center}\n\tradius = {radius}\n\theight = {height}\n\taxis = {axis}" ) self._mask = idx
class DummyRoiHistogram(Roi): """ This is a dummy roi class with an explicitly specified constant mass spectrum mass_histogram. This is used when an analysis needs to bypass loading the pos/epos data, such as when doing a MassSpectrum analysis on a mass spectrum from a csv file. One may choose to do this to avoid the cost of repeatedly loading very large datasets. """ def __init__(self, x: ndarray, y: ndarray): """ :param x: the x values of the mass histogram :param y: the y values of the mass histogram """ super().__init__(n.array([[0, 0, 0]]), n.array([0])) self.__histogram = (x, y) def mass_histogram(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Override :meth:`Roi.mass_histogram()` to always return the specified mass histogram """ return self.__histogram